Monday, January 10, 2011

...and a Happy New Year!

Since the 1st of the year we have been very busy. I think it is because we have found our groove...Chechi is doing great! Today we went to her 2 month check-up and to quote Dr. Tio Ernie, "You guys have a perfect baby"... she's in the 75% for weight at 11 lbs12 oz and 97% in height at 24 1/4 inches! Today she not only had her first round of shots, but her rite of passage ear piercing. It was painful to watch (I choked up a little) ...but I'm SO glad we did it. She will be thankful in years to come...and now she can inherit all of my and Coco's treasures!!!

Here are some pictures from the month so far...enjoy! The Slesnicks at the Junior Orange Bowl 62nd Annual Parade (our good friend Pete chaired for the 2nd year in a row. It was such fun and the best part was the Stanford University band, who was in town for the Orange Bowl Game).
Look at those cheeks!!!

Here we are with Padrino Chris at the Epiphany (3 Reyes Magos) party at MaryBeth's. It was also Chechi's 2 month birthday on this day.
Babo and Mimi enjoyed spending time with their littlest "cutie pie" at the party.

Looking pretty for our friend Miles' baptism. Miles is super cute and only 7 months older...we see lots of play dates in our future!

Here we all are.

One of my favorite pictures of her with Coco! This was taken at the Beaux Arts Festival on 1.9.11

Getting ready for shots and ear piercing with Daddy. He's not doing a good job of consoling us is he?
Fortunately later in the day she was happy as a clam (baby tylenol helped)... isn't this a great picture?!
So that is what we have been up to so far in 2011!