Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 28 (12 weeks to go...my oh my)

So here we are...28 weeks done...12 weeks to go...and tonight we are 5 days away from moving into our new home AND only 10 days away from my opening night at Books and Books Coral Gables.
So we're just a LITTLE busy in the Florida Room.
I will post pictures of the house, before, during and after the move. Sometime next week...
In the meantime...as I am on the eve of week 29, I wonder how big Baby C has gotten in a week as she was 3 healthy and happy pounds last week. One thing I am sure of is that the weeks are getting shorter and I am getting bigger! Sleep is getting challenging as are the stairs at work...but overall I feel amazing!
Also, today I discovered the most amazing product from a fellow blogger, http://www.lunchskins.com/ a REUSABLE lunch and snack bag! I know in 2 years when I am packing lunch for Pre-K2 I will be using these. Check them out! Great idea!

1 comment:

  1. You look just beautiful! Have a blast during these final weeks of pregnancy. They will fly by for the most part, as long as your lack of sleep and growing discomforts don't bother you too much... Thanks for following our blog regularly, even when we don't get the chance to post things much at all!!
