Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 34

Greetings! Well, we are technically in week 35 already...but on Friday night at the Junior Orange Bowl Auction, I had a 34 week picture taken... so here it is.
The baby is doing well, and she is very actively letting me know when its time for her or for me to move. It's rather remarkable to see evidence of her rolling from one side to the other. The kicks have ended as she is far too big to jolt...but rolling and adjusting are still part of her acrobatic routine.

This Saturday I attended my last baby shower for C and myself. It was a lovely party with a few wonderful women. The theme was pink and orange giraffes and the attention paid to the smallest details was amazing. I really feel blessed and honored to have had a number of showers thrown in my honor by friends and family. Don and I know that this baby will not only be loved and cared for by the two of us, but a lot of other people as well. Our first shower, was more of a dinner party with our guy friends, which we organized. The second shower was thrown by sorority sisters Robin and Jennie...that was a fun party with my ever famous "kelly green" as an accent color (RIP Kelly green nursery). Our third shower was thrown by my friends Melissa, Katie, Lauren and Sarah ---and that was chock-full of games and friendly faces stemming from elementary school to present day friends, very fun! The fourth shower was what I called "El Shower" because my Tias and cousins were invited to this one which was thrown with much love by my friends Ivon, Ana and Heather and the final shower was this Saturday, thrown with love and detail by my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law's BFF, Ginger. Each shower was perfect, fun, and treasured.

Now that the parties are over, crunch time is here...the nursery will begin to come together over the next week or so...and furniture delivery will be a part of that. As soon as its together---I'll post pictures.


  1. Now that is definately a glowing momma-to-be!! So gorgeous!! :-)

    Happy Friday Dear! xo

    Oh and sweetie, have you stopped by and put your city info in at LOCATION CENTRAL yet? It's the blog where you're able to see who else blogs in your area.

  2. Congratulations!
    Found you through location central, now following your blog!
