Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sweetness at Six Months (or 7...Who's Counting)

Sheri has done it again and has captured our little family in such a beautiful and memorable way. Here is the slide show the password is "mustangs" and it IS case sensitive. I hope you will enjoy--- and if you are in Miami and need an amazing, gifted, patient photographer you MUST use Sheri.

Here's a little background on the photos. When I was pregnant I jumped on board the Sheri train and got a "Belly to Baby" package with her. The package includes 4 sessions (Maternity, Newborn, 6 mos/sitting and 1 year) and a book at the end of the year. You may remember that for our maternity shots we went to my in-laws and the Granada Golf Course, for our newborn session we stayed home...for our 6 month (which was more like 7 months) we wanted to go to Mattheson Hammock or Venetian Pool...well neither worked out and we ended up at Country Club Prado. I thought Sheri would be sick of this location as every "Quinceanera" in Miami goes there...but she had NEVER shot there before.
The session and the location were perfect and captures the essence of our little Gables crew.


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